Top 5 questions that make veterinarians scream during the holidays!

Holidays are the time for ugly sweaters, bad fruit cake, and distant family members asking you why their cat is pooping on the carpet…

Rather than joy, veterinarians (and veterinary nurses) have a sense of anxiety anticipating the barrage of questions thrown at them during holiday gatherings.

Here are the top 5 comments and questions that make veterinarians hide in the corner with their glass of wine and the pet cat during the holidays:


5) So…what made you want to become a vet and not a “real doctor”?

4) It must be awesome to play with puppies and kittens all day!

3) Can you take a look at my cat’s ears? I think she has mites…

<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-424" src="×225.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="225" srcset="×225 see page.jpg 300w, 540w” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” />

2) Save all of your ham bones. I give them as treats to my dog.

1) I have the same rash as my dog (pulls pants down). What do you think?

Knowledge is power!
Garret Pachtinger, VMD, DACVECC
Board Certified Emergency and Critical Care Specialist
Co-Founder, VETgirl

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