Social Media

Magnified illustration with the word Social Media on white background.

Are you looking for social media help for your company or website?  We all struggle with what to share on our Facebook page and what to tweet to our Twitter followers. How do you reach your customers and colleagues?  I know, social media is kind of a big deal and one that should be embraced and loved…not shunned and feared!

Dr. Garret Pachtinger, DACVECC is not only a board certified emergency and critical care specialist, but has been the lead social media developer for advancing companies including VETgirl, HemaBlock, Vet Brands International, V.E.T. Pharmaceuticals, and VSEC.

As a practicing veterinarian and tech-savvy professional, I know how to engage veterinary professionals as well as potential clients and pet owners.

If you are looking for cost effective, clinical support for social media success, please CONTACT me for help!