Archive | January, 2017

Cyberbullying and Cyberharassment: Don’t stand for it.

Last week I returned from the AVMA Leadership Conference. I attended workshops on resolving workplace conflict, emotional intelligence, and of course…a better understand of leadership. I returned with a sense of excitement. I returned more knowledgeable than when I left. I returned a better leader to help drive our profession. I then saw this email: […]

Reasons YOU should be excited about Mars Petcare: VCA, Banfield, and BluePearl

Last week the news spread across the internet…”Candy maker Mars is buying L.A. animal hospital chain VCA for $7.7 billion” and “Better Known for Candy, Mars Makes a Big Bet on Pets.” As expected…there was a major buzz, a frenzy within social media, and instant misinformation celebrex medication. That is the media.  That is social […]