Archive by Author

Cyberbullying and Cyberharassment: Don’t stand for it.

Last week I returned from the AVMA Leadership Conference. I attended workshops on resolving workplace conflict, emotional intelligence, and of course…a better understand of leadership. I returned with a sense of excitement. I returned more knowledgeable than when I left. I returned a better leader to help drive our profession. I then saw this email: […]

Reasons YOU should be excited about Mars Petcare: VCA, Banfield, and BluePearl

Last week the news spread across the internet…”Candy maker Mars is buying L.A. animal hospital chain VCA for $7.7 billion” and “Better Known for Candy, Mars Makes a Big Bet on Pets.” As expected…there was a major buzz, a frenzy within social media, and instant misinformation celebrex medication. That is the media.  That is social […]

5 Tech Gadgets for a more efficient 2017 | Tech Thursday

Although the title, “Gadget Gary” was made popular by <a href="https://www find out” target=”_blank”>Howard Stern Producer, Gary Dell’abate…I am a self-proclaimed tech expert…Gadget Garret! Hardware, software, and everything in between…I have always loved technology and found ways to make daily life better with the use of technology. As 2017 is just around the corner, […]