5 Tech Gadgets for a more efficient 2017 | Tech Thursday

Although the title, “Gadget Gary” was made popular by <a href="https://www find out here.howardstern.com/” target=”_blank”>Howard Stern Producer, Gary Dell’abate…I am a self-proclaimed tech expert…Gadget Garret!

Hardware, software, and everything in between…I have always loved technology and found ways to make daily life better with the use of technology.

As 2017 is just around the corner, here are 5 tech tips to make your lives better with technology in 2017.

1) Upgrade your computer. I just purchased the new Macbook Pro Retina Touchbar laptop. It’s faster, more powerful, thinner, and lighter. Granted, I use a computer more than most for lecturing, website development, social media, and of course – VETgirl! BUT…I am noticing that I can be even more productive than with my previous slower laptop, that was constantly running out of memory. Time is money. Make yourself more efficient and ditch that dinosaur of a computer you have sitting on your desk.

2) Use your phone for more than phone calls. Almost everyone is likely carrying a smartphone these days. I have many helpful apps on my phone, notes, formularies, and even picture libraries of amazing clinical pictures and x-rays. I have even been known to show a youtube video of a dog reverse sneezing to a client in an exam room to determine if THAT was the funny noise their dog was making. So use your phone for more than just phone calls.

3) The cloud. No. Don’t look up into the sky. Not that cloud. The imaginary cloud where information is stored. I absolutely love my Dropbox and Google Drive accounts. For a few bucks a month you can get a crap-ton (official weight measurement in my house) of storage where you can place information that either doesn’t need to clog your computer’s hard drive OR allow you to access from any computer, anywhere, around the world. So embrace the cloud. And make information rain!

4) Be on the lookout for more pet wearable devices. Now that Voyce has folded, the market is more open than ever for a company to take the lead. We have recently seen a large push from Whistle…and the rumor mill has other companies hot on their heels. I would love to test out one of these devices to see the convenience, practicality, and of course accuracy of this in our daily lives – both form a consumer standpoint as well as from a veterinary professional perspective on how it would help me advise owners.

5) Finally – technology for your practice is becoming even more available as improvements in technology as well as competition drives price down. Heck, you can buy an ultrasound machine on eBay for a few hundred dollars!

Make 2017 the year when you bring better monitoring into your practice for better patient care! Pulse oximetry, ECG machines, End-Tidal CO2, ultrasound, even digital x-ray!

Knowledge is power! And make 2017 even more powerful!
Garret Pachtinger, VMD, DACVECC
Board Certified Emergency and Critical Care Specialist
Co-Founder, VETgirl

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