Coughing, Sneezing, and Sniffling…OH MY! Cats Getting the Flu? WHO KNEW!

Can catscat get the flu?

We once thought the simple answer was…no.

But this past week we were surprised to learn that cats were found to be infected with the flu virus, influenza A, in New York!

13 cats in New York tested positive for influenza A virus.

We still have a lot to learn about this specific influenza (flu) virus! We are not yet sure how they were infected with the virus, if it is a dog, cat, or even human strain, and how it is spread.

As a quick refresher, the H3N2 canine influenza (flu) virus has been circulating in the US since early 2015 and reports of infections in cats are very rare!

What’s another challenge? The signs of illness in these affected cats were pretty vague! Common signs of illness included a runny nose, congestion and general lethargy. These are pretty darn similar to the simple, common, upper respiratory infection seen in cats!

If you think your cat is not feeling well with signs of illness such as lethargy, sneezing, coughing, a runny nose, or fever, please contact your veterinarian. While it is still likely this is a simple upper respiratory infection, this new information about the flu virus in cats has everyone on edge and we are being proactive about evaluation and treatment!

Knowledge is power!
Garret Pachtinger, VMD, DACVECC
Board Certified Emergency and Critical Care Specialist
Co-Founder, VETgirl

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